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What Is an Occupational Health Technician and How to Become One

What Does an Occupational Health Technician Do?

An occupational health technician inspects worksites to ensure that they are safe for employees. Job duties include collecting samples on-site, testing different types of equipment, and visibly examining physical work environments that may cause hearing or other health issues. Whenever an issue discovered, such as toxic exposure, an occupational health technician works to address the problem and ensure that the workplace returns to compliance with health and safety standards. An occupational health technician may also investigate if a patient alleges that workplace conditions specifically affected their health.

How to Become an Occupational Health Technician

An occupational health technician inspects worksites to ensure that they are safe for employees. Career qualifications include a high school diploma and on-the-job training, although some positions require an associate’s degree in occupational health. These programs teach you how to handle hazardous material, address respiratory issues in a workplace, and communicate with employees and the public about potential hazards. Strong communication skills and being able to write detailed reports are important for this job.