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What Is a Holistic Health Practitioner and How to Become One

What Does a Holistic Health Practitioner Do?

As a holistic health practitioner, your job is to support the physical wellness, mental health, and spiritual stability of your patients through a combination of treatments. In this role, you select the best natural medicine for a condition to treat root causes instead of symptoms and ultimately help your patients live happier lives. The key difference between holistic health and traditional treatment plans is that traditional plans usually focus on a single aspect of a person, such as exclusively physical conditions. Holistic health focuses on all parts of a person. Holistic health should not be confused with alternative medicine, which typically has little or no scientific support.

How to Become a Holistic Health Practitioner

The primary qualifications for becoming a holistic health practitioner depend on the kind of practitioner you want to be. Some people in this field provide massages or other low-cost, accessible treatments, and meeting the qualifications for these positions can take less than a year. Other people go to medical school and may become medical assistants, nurses, or even doctors who provide healthcare services. You can practice holistic health in any job that provides healthcare services, though roles that involve making decisions about treatment plans offer more opportunities to put these techniques into practice. Fulfilling the responsibilities and duties of a holistic health practitioner requires research skills, interpersonal skills, and the ability to memorize information about a wide variety of healthcare techniques.