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What Is a Videographer Internship and How to Become One

What Are the Qualifications to Get a Videographer Internship?

The qualifications to get a videographer internship depend on the type of position. Some production companies or freelance videographers take on student interns while others prefer candidates who are recent graduates. If an internship is open to current students, you should study video production, digital photography, film, or a closely related subject. However, interns can study in other fields if they can demonstrate sufficient technical skills and a compelling reason to be a videography intern. You also need to get recommendations from professors or other employers. Recent graduates need similar qualifications.

What Are Videographer Internship Opportunities?

Videographer internship opportunities are opportunities to train with experienced videographers, visual artists, or television and film production companies. As an intern, you learn about the wide variety of responsibilities of a professional videographer. Your duties include providing administrative and technical support to videographers, maintaining and setting up equipment, and helping post-production specialists, such as editors and directors edit footage for clients or a production. While on the job, you learn to set up for a shoot, how to adjust and calibrate lighting for filming, and how to use industry-standard video editing software.