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What Is a Stage Hand and How to Become One

Stage Hand

What Is a Stage Hand?

A stage hand typically works in a theater, arena, or venue, assisting in the setup and operation of performances. As a stage hand, your duties involve moving equipment for the production, managing lighting and sound, supporting performers, and ensuring the safety of the cast and crew. This career doesn’t require any formal education, but excellent physical stamina, strong communication skills, and a willingness to learn new things are all essential qualifications. However, if you want to move into more specialized roles, like lighting design, you may need formal education and extensive experience.

How to Become a Stage Hand

A stage hand doesn’t need a formal education. You can learn the tools of the trade through on-the-job training in an entry-level role. Experience in the specific type of venue is crucial, as you must know the specific safety standards and regulations. You must be physically able to lift 50 pounds or more and work on your feet for your entire shift. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are also crucial. If you want to be a stage hand in a more specialized role, such as lighting or sound, earn an associate or bachelor’s degree in a related field to stand out.