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What Is a Die Polisher and How to Become One

What Does a Die Polisher Do?

As a die polisher, your job is to polish and resurface the cavities and bores of wire drawing dies, usually by using hand tools and machines. You also clean parts to ensure nothing gets stuck in a cavity and help to repair any damage that may come from use. At times, you inspect worn die to decide when it is time to resurface things or even replace them. The primary purpose of all of this is to reduce friction between sheet metal and tools. When there is less friction, it is possible to create smoother products, which is important to many manufacturers.

How to Become a Die Polisher

You do need some training to become a die polisher, but a high school education with machining classes or previous experience as a polisher suffice as qualifications for most employers. Your duties may include maintaining a log of when tools are polished, identifying and reporting wear on the tools, maintaining a safe work environment, and assembling or disassembling machinery on a regular basis. While none of these are particularly difficult skills to acquire, most of them ultimately come down to following directions and knowing the trade. Some companies may ask you to perform other jobs as needed, but it is possible to find positions in which you have no responsibilities aside from polishing.