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Cruise Ship Medical Jobs - What Are They and How to Get One

Cruise Ship Medical

What Are Cruise Ship Jobs in the Medical Field?

There are many jobs available on a cruise ship medical staff, as it is mandatory for all ships to employ doctors, nurses, and urgent care specialists. In a medical role aboard a ship, you may address a variety of passenger ailments, provide emergency first-aid to staff and passengers, and otherwise help to manage the health of everyone on the boat. Cruise ships often have a high percentage of seniors on board, so your job may involve dealing with senior-specific issues, including falls and occasionally deaths. Like most staff positions aboard a cruise ship, medical professionals may be asked to direct passengers and help issue orders during a ship-wide emergency.

What Are the Qualifications to Get a Cruise Ship Job in the Medical Field?

The primary qualifications for getting a job on a cruise ship medical staff are a relevant degree and some experience. Cruise ships may be days or weeks away from help for all but the most serious cases, so employers strongly prefer that you know how to manage medical supplies and get things done with as little outside help as possible. As a crew member of the ship, you may be away from home for weeks at a time, so you must be prepared to live on the ship for extended periods. Fulfilling the responsibilities and duties of a cruise ship job requires communication skills, interpersonal skills, and the ability to provide medical treatment in a moving environment. This may involve working during storms, when the ship may lurch significantly.