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What Is a Comic Artist and How to Become One

Comic Artist

What Does a Comic Artist Do?

The job duties of a comic artist involve illustrating a comic strip or comic book or designing cartoon characters for marketing, graphic design, or illustration purposes. Your responsibilities depend on the requirements the project on which you are working, as many of the jobs available in this field are freelance or contract-based. Comic artists can sketch comic-style art for clients who use it for a variety of purposes, so you are not limited to strictly working on actual comics. As a comic artist, you illustrate the art itself, and you may also create the text, layout, and narrative for your strip or book. However, many comic projects have specialized individuals working on each aspect.

How to Become a Comic Artist

The qualifications that you need to start working as a comic artist include drawing skills, the ability to lay out a comic book, and a portfolio of comic-related work. While most employers do not require one, you can pursue a degree in illustration or a related field. These programs sometimes include a specific comic component. You can create a portfolio during your studies or work on a collection of comic illustrations on your own. Publishers often require you to digitize your work with software like Adobe Creative Suite or AutoDesk Sketchbook, so you should become familiar with digital art styles.