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What Is a Captain and How to Become One

What Is a Captain Job?

A captain job involves typically involves the command of a boat, ship, or airplane. A captain ensures the safety of all personnel and equipment, as well as the smooth operation of any tasks. Their responsibilities include managing and supervising crew members, handling paperwork, understanding national and international laws of open water or air, hiring employees, maintaining permits and licenses, keeping detailed logs, and organizing the sale of any fish if they are captaining a fishing boat. The use of various tools such as maps and modern technology is required. Alternatively, a job captain works on architectural or building projects, ensuring completion of each project on time and within budget.

How to Become a Boat or Ship Captain

Qualifications to become a boat or ship captain include a bachelor’s degree from a merchant marine academy with a focus on marine transportation, navigation, or a related field. Licensure and certification may vary due to the type of vessel, but typically include the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) from Homeland Security and a Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC). A captain usually starts as a crew member to gain the experience and skills needed to be the leader of a crew. Boat captains ensure the safety of all personnel and equipment, as well as the smooth operation of any tasks.

What Is a Boat or Ship Captain?

A boat or ship captain is in command of a sea vessel. They ensure the safety of all personnel and equipment, as well as the smooth operation of any tasks. Their responsibilities include managing and supervising crew members, handling paperwork, understanding national and international water laws, hiring employees, maintaining permits and licenses, and keeping detailed logs. A captain may work on smaller bodies of water, assisting a large boat through small canals, rivers, and harbors. Jobs are available on many types of vessels, including fishing boats, cruise ships, supply ships, and ferries.

What Is a Job Captain?

A job captain is a team leader of an architectural or building project. Also known as an architectural job captain, they oversee the progress of architects and draftsmen. Their duties include keeping a schedule, staying on budget, and ensuring the smooth operation of any tasks. These responsibilities on an architectural project require familiarity with CAD software and technical schematics. A job captain communicates with the client, team lead, and draftsmen throughout each stage of a project. Qualifications typically include a bachelor’s or master’s degree in architecture and field experience.