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What Is a Broadcast Producer and How to Become One

What Is a Broadcast Producer?

A broadcast producer oversees the production operations of a TV channel, public radio station, or similar media outlet. As a broadcast producer, your job duties vary but may include developing the show schedules, managing the broadcast of live episodes, and identifying appropriate locations to shoot scenes. Typical qualifications for the career include a bachelor’s degree in film, television production, or a related field and experience working with various broadcasting platforms. Aspiring producers often gain valuable broadcasting experience through an internship or school media outlet, such as a student radio station. You also need strong communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills.

How to Become a Broadcast Producer

The primary qualifications for getting a job as a broadcast producer depend on the type of material you produce. They generally include a bachelor's degree in a relevant area, such as advertising or screenwriting. Experience is highly desirable for this position, so broadcast producers often start their career as an intern and progress sequentially through several other positions before finally getting this role. Given the amount of time it can take to become a broadcast producer, you should consider developing additional skills and obtaining certifications that can help you stand out from other producers. As an alternative, working in theater and earning a master of fine arts degree may qualify you for a position as a broadcast producer.