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What Is an Assessment Specialist and How to Become One

What Does an Assessment Specialist Do?

An assessment specialist works in various industries, including education and healthcare. In this career, your job is to develop employment assessment programs for your company. Your responsibilities include conducting an evaluation of the current system to find ways in which it can better serve an organization’s mission. This involves reviewing past and present data to identify trends. You then create usability studies with the feedback of workers to test the procedures before rolling out the new assessment program.

How to Become an Assessment Specialist

The qualifications needed to become an assessment specialist include a bachelor’s degree in a field related to your company’s industries. Some employers require an advanced degree. There are certifications you can earn to demonstrate your expertise, but these credentials are usually only a strict requirement in medical fields. Excellent communication skills are essential for building relationships with staff members and documenting the course of the assessment process. Interpersonal skills are also necessary to resolve conflicts, which can be a major part of your duties. You may begin this career as an intern and work your way up to assessment specialist over many years, as this is a senior level job.